Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Video Feedback

If you were in Bible study this morning, you know that we did things a bit differently. We started by watching a video of Kay Arthur. Please give your feedback about this: Did you like watching the video? Did you not like it? Why? How could we integrate the videos into our study -- any suggestions? Thank you for providing your input.


  1. I really enjoyed the video on Wednesday; she said many things that challenged me and gave me a lot to ponder. I missed, however, our time exploring the text together. 45 minutes is just not enough time. So, I'd welcome watching the video from time to time in class, but personally I wouldn't want to sacrifice an hour every week to the video. Just curious: Can we find something similiar at if we want to watch it on our own for further study?

  2. Thannks for the feedback, Susan! To answer your question: no, unfortunately you can't watch the dvd's online. You have to buy them as a set from Precept.

    I'd love to hear more feedback about watching the dvd last week! Since we only have 3 lessons left this spring, we will stick with our usual format. If you'd like to watch a dvd, I'll have them available for you to borrow.

    Watching the dvd would definitely cut down on our discussion time. By the time we take a break, we'd only have about 45 min to discuss the lesson.

    I think the dvd's will be extremely helpful this fall! So, here are 2 options I've been thinking about:
    1. I could show the dvd at 9am...and those of you who want to watch it could come early. We'd start our lesson at 10 and finish at noon. If you didn't want to watch the dvd, you'd arrive at 10.
    2. Or, we could start our lesson at 9am and finish at 11am. Those who want to watch the dvd could stay and watch it from 11 till noon.
    We'd have childcare available during the dvd with both of these options.

    Ok...what do you think? How many of you would want to stay an extra hour to watch the dvd?

  3. I would like to watch the video, before the study, but then, after works too! I think her info is sooo good. Really valuable.
