Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hope everyone is ready to play Daniel Jeopardy tomorrow morning! There will be a prize for the winner. Notice I said 'winner', not 'winners'. That's right ...there's only 1 prize and you're gonna want it. So, get out those notes and start cramming!

We will also have our semi-annual greed exchange as well. This time we'll fight over spring/summer decorations. Remember: there's a $10 limit!

I'm looking forward to good food....and alot fun! See ya in the morning....

1 comment:

  1. We missed those of you who couldn't join us yesterday morning! We had a good time eating and laughing together.

    As I think back over this study, several themes jump out at me...the sovereignty of our God, Daniel's integrity and faithfulness, the importance of prayer. Babylon doesn't seem too distant to me anymore...or very different from our culture. Living a godly life in such a culture brings daily challenges, doesn't it?

    As we close the book on Daniel for the summer, I hope the truths we learned in it will remain with us. Playing Daniel Jeopardy can be fun....but it isn't really about knowing the facts in Daniel, is it? It's about turning that knowledge into wisdom.
    Knowing specific dates, the names of kings, the meaning of Hebrew words...can be helpful. But, the really challenging questions are things like:
    -How will I respond if God doesn't act the way I think He should?
    -How will I respond to people in authority who believe differently from me...and may not honor God?
    -Will my faith hold in the face of roaring lions or fiery furnaces?
    -Does my integrity hold even when others are not watching or when temptations face me?
    -Where do I compromise?
    -What idols do I serve?

    I know that playing 'Jeopardy' is intimidating to many of you. I'm not sure we'll play it again....because I don't want us to ever lose focus about what really matters. It's not about knowing facts. It's about what you do with those facts. It's about knowing God...it's about loving Him and walking in the freedom of His acceptance and grace....even when we don't always know the perfect answers. Daniel understood this. I hope we won't be intimidated by his example but instead will be motivated to grow.

    I hope you have a wonderful summer and are able to join us in the fall for Daniel, chapters 7-12.

    Prov 2:2-7
