Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Prayer Requests: April

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillippians 4:6

It is a priviledge for us to pray for one another. If you have a prayer need, please share it in the comment section of this post. Also, please check these comments often so you can join in prayer for the needs of our group members. Thank you.


  1. A dear friend of mine from Pennsylvania has a teenage son with a recently discovered brain tumor. They are operating tomorrow (Tuesday) to remove what they can. It is a large mass, but it is also deep, so the neurosurgeon isn't sure how much he can remove without adverse affects on Caleb. Will you please join me in praying for Caleb and his surgeons tomorrow and also for his prognosis and recovery? Thank you.

  2. Susan,
    Please keep us posted about Caleb!

  3. I missed the early part of study - was there an update on Caleb?

    Sorry to be late but dad had cataract surgery on one eye. He's doing well (Mark Bodenheimer did the surgery) but dad expected Immediate perfect sight. Trying to correct his misconceptions isnt easy!

  4. Thanks for asking Drema. I spoke with Lynn, his mom, yesterday morning. He made it through his surgery on Tuesday, and the doctor was able to remove 85-90% of the tumor. It is malignant, so he will have follow-up treatment which will prob. begin before he even leaves the hospital. He was experiencing some paralysis on his left side, but the surgeons are optimistic that it is only temporary. Thank you all for praying for 18-year-old Caleb and his family - mom Lynn, dad Keith, and brothers Joshua, Joel, and Seth. I'll keep you posted on his progress.

  5. Friends,
    Here's an update from Lynn that I received this evening. I wanted to share it with you: "We had a hard night last night but we had a good day today! Lots of encouraging things happened. Caleb is so encouraged by God's presense and by the peace that your prayers have brought about. He keeps saying how he feels God's presense with him, his arms are wrapped around him. He is at peace despite his circumstances and so we walk one step, one day at a time and count the many blessings with each. Thank you all."

  6. Caleb was moved to a rehab hospital on the 11th to help him recover from the surgery and regain full use of his left side. They should receive the pathology report this week regarding the cancer, so after that and the rehab he will start a course of treatment. I wanted to pass along this message from Caleb's mom, Lynn:
    "We are overwhelmed & grateful for all of your love & support. Thank you so very much for praying for my son Caleb. It is the very best thing you can do for us and we are humbled & grateful. God Bless."

  7. Friends,
    A dear friend of mine and former coworker from our time in Birmingham lost her 6-year-old son John on Tuesday. He was born with a genetic disease affecting his muscular system and required her constant care, which she gave so selflessly and lovingly. She and Chris, her husband, were told they'd probably only have two years with him, as every cold was a life-threatening risk for him, but I know their care and protection affected this original prognosis. Please remember them and Alex, their 9-year-old, in these sad days. Thanks so much.

