Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Artist's Rendering

This week in our homework we were asked to sketch the "tree" dream as best as we could. It's interesting to imagine and to visualize these things we're reading about in Daniel. Here are some artists' renderings of what we've been studying:

The "statue" dream of Daniel 2. (Painting by John Hopkins)

The "tree" dream of Daniel 4. (Painting by Guy Rowe)

The humbled Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel 4. (Painting by William Blake)


  1. These are fascinating!

    Is it just me...or does Neb look like Bilbo Baggins in that 2nd painting?

  2. Wow! What a picture.That is really not like anything I pictured. It is much worse.

  3. Two possible diagnosis offered for Neb's 'condition' are:
    Lycanthropy - a delusion that the affected person can or has transformed into an animal
    Boanthropy - an illness in which sufferers take to the belief that they are cattle
