Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Homework: Week 7

As we move this week into Daniel 5, we encounter a new Babylonian king - Belshazzar - and a very familiar story - the writing on the wall. Yet, we'll see, as we have with each week of this study and with each familiar tale we've read, that there's "more to the story." It's going to be fun to see what questions and what insights our homework this week raises.

We had a lot of great discussion this morning in our study, but please don't hesitate to post some of your questions and comments on the blog throughout the week. It would be wonderful to discuss our lesson with one another even before we meet together on Wednesdays.

"Blogging" may be new to you, but dive in, share your thoughts, and feel free to respond to others. Who knows? It may lead to some rich discussions and cool discoveries.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ladies! I wanted to suggest another way for us to get to know one another better. I know blogging might be new to some of you, but it is a really cool way to learn things about your friends - what they like, what they're passionate about, what their lives look like on a daily basis. When you signed up to follow this blog, it came with a free page of your own! It's SUPER easy to set up. I promise! I can help anyone who's interested. As a newcomer to the group, it would really help me to learn a little bit about each of you and where you're coming from. To get to my blog, you can click on my name here, or you can just go to I know Susan and Janna both keep up their blogs pretty regularly too. I've loved getting to know these incredible women through their blogs, and I would love to get to know all of you as well! Anyway, just a suggestion. :-) Oh, and proper blogging etiquette dictates you always comment on the things you read! ha ha Most people tend not to write as much if they think people aren't reading.
