Friday, February 27, 2009

Homework: Week Two

Did the Week One overview of Daniel chapters 1-6 excite you about what's to come in our study this Spring? Now, let's continue with an overview of Chapters 7-12 in Week Two. Remember, keep it BIG PICTURE.

If you have questions or comments as you work through the lessons, please write them in the comments of this post. Check back throughout the week to read the responses to your comment/ question and to respond to the comments/questions of others.

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  1. I found this video from National Geographic this morning. I thought it was really interesting. Check it out.

  2. The visions in chapters 7-12 are pretty strange! We might be tempted to grab a commentary and let someone tell us what it all means. But...remember, right now we're just observing the text, not interpreting what it means. We want to become very familiar with what Daniel says...before we read what someone says about Daniel's visions. There are alot of opinions out there.
    When you're filling out the info for each chapter, just try to keep it simple...even tho these visions seem pretty complicated. Think big picture!

    I was reading Daniel 8 this morning. When I came to v27, I was feeling Daniel's pain: "I was exhausted and sick for days. Then I got up again and carried on the king's business; but I was astounded at the vision, and there was none to explain it."
    Well, I got up and started cleaning my kitchen...feeling pretty astounded!! How about you?

  3. You know, I've had some pretty strange dreams, but none as strange as these. (Although I did dream about a squirrel walking on water once on the same night Ben dreamed about a sloth that got circumcised! Interpretations anyone?) What I want to know though is, aside from Gabriel showing up to explain things, how did people know that their dreams actually meant something? Crazy stuff!

  4. Ok, does anyone else's brain hurt after reading chapter 11? WHOA!

  5. ok Leah you are totally cracking me up!! I think you & Ben should keep your dreams to yourself. Is it possible to circumcise a sloth?

  6. I'm happy to say that I don't know!
