Wednesday, February 18, 2009


When breaking news hits, you'll find it here! Please check the announcements often to read about any updates that you need to know. (A simple way to do this is to click on "Announcements" in the Subject Index on the right side of the blog.) From potluck dates to schedule changes, this is where you'll find out what's happening.


  1. I thought you all might find it interesting to know that Mom stopped by my house today but couldn't stay because she had Darius the Mede in her Jeep and needed to get him in the refrigerator. I was a bit confused until I asked her how in the world she found Darius the Mede, much less got him in the Jeep, (and the refrigerator??) at which point she cracked up laughing and cleared up the matter. She actually had dairy and meat from a trip to Kroger. We got a good laugh out of it!

  2. Wow! Someone has Daniel on her mind! You might want to warn Ben in case you slip up and call him Neb (or Beltshazzar, but that doesn't trip off the tongue so easily). I keep thinking of horns with eyes and and a goat attacking a ram. Last night we watched an episode of "Planet Earth," which featured two Ibex locked in a duel, delivering crashing blows with their massive horns, and I thought of poor Daniel and his visions.
