Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Prayer Requests: February

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillippians 4:6

It is a priviledge for us to pray for one another. If you have a prayer need, please share it in the comment section of this post. Also, please check these comments often so you can join in prayer for the needs of our group members. Thank you.


  1. I would really appreciate your prayers regarding my mom. She's 93, lives alone, and is struggling to recover from a surgery she had 2 weeks ago. I'd appreciate prayers for her healing process. And, I need alot of wisdom these days as we face various issues relating to her care.

  2. Please remember to pray for Sandy Bryant...who is recovering from knee replacement surgery.

  3. Pray for my 90 year old father - like Nell Anne he is a big part of my daily activity. Dad had a serious stroke in Dec and just moved from my house to his own apartment last weekend - in KINGSTON. (he has friends and church in Roane County) He has called me with complaints and I visited him this AM and he is just upset and stressed, and really not ready to live alone. Yet he refused my offer to move back to my house.
    Pray as we make decisions and try to help him.

  4. This isn't really a major thing, but Ben has a cold right now and I'd really love it if Aiden and I can avoid it. I just don't think I'm ready for our first cold yet! (So far we're both fine....knock on wood!)

    By the way, Drema, I've been praying for your dad. That has to be hard!

    Heather - how is your mom?

  5. We (One Vision International) recently found 125 starving kids in Haiti that we are going to try and find sponsors for. This involves so much organization, and "managing" something on a scale as large as this is completely overwhelming for our tiny little organization (and for me). Please pray that we can a) find sponsors quickly so that these kids can start eating at least one meal per day and b) that we can come up with a feasible, long term plan of care for these kids. Pray that we will act with discernment and wisdom. These kids are depending on us. Yikes.

  6. For those of you who don't know...I am pregnant with my third child.
    Despite being excited about the baby, I have been very sick the past 2 weeks. I am constantly nauseous and with 2 other kids it doesn't work well for me to lay on the couch every single day. Not to mention go in to work and run KidStuf. I'm really struggling right now!

  7. Cheri ~ first of all, congratulations! I read your prayer request and my heart aches for you because I know how you are feeling. My pregnancy with Reed was so similar, and I felt terrible that I couldn't do all I wanted for Seth during that time. I pray that this sickness will pass soon and that you'll feel restored energy and health. I pray that you'll extend grace to yourself during this time and feel no guilt because of what you just simply cannot manage right now. It's all right. I also pray for Denver and Brady to have an understanding beyond their years and to rest securely in your love, which isn't shown in what you do for them but in how well you love them -- and you do love them well, Cheri. Rest and care for yourself in these days. Love, Susan

  8. I am so sorry you are nauseous. I would be willing to help any way I can. Maybe I could come and take them for a few hours so you could rest without worrying what they are getting into, laundry ,dishes or clieaning house.
    Just let me know what you need.

    Love Ya

  9. Hey ladies!

    I love this blog! It's cool to be able to keep in touch this way. Leah had asked earlier on here about my mom. Here's the latest info. For those of you who don't know, my mother Rose, is struggling with her second bought of ovarian cancer. She is still weak, her meds make her a little shaky, and dizzy and she needs to rest regularly throughout the day, but other than that she is really improving! She's no longer nauseous and is pain free, (Thank you, Jesus!!) her hair hasn't fallen out this time, and she' eating and "exiting" much better than she was. November, December and January were really tough for us, thank you all so much for all of your prayers. So overall she is doing substantially better than before, so much so, that Lily (just Lily) is going to spend the night at their house on friday. My mom really wants to teach her how to knit! Sweet, huh?
