Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Welcome to the Wednesday morning Bible study blog! This blog is something new for our study group and we're excited about it!! We're hoping it'll be a great way for us to communicate with one another.

For those of you who might be new to the Wed morning study, let me tell you a little bit about our group. Our primary vision is Bible study. We usually study a book of the Bible using an inductive method. Simply put, 'inductive' means we use the Bible as our primary source.

This spring we'll be doing a Precept Upon Precept study of Daniel, chapters 1-6. Precept Ministries has divided Daniel into 2 separate studies. Our plan is to study Part 1 this spring and Part 2 in the fall.

Daniel is an amazing example of how to live a godly life in the midst of an ungodly society. He walked with great integrity and won the respect of every king under whom he served. How did he do that? What was his understanding of God that held him steady in times of great stress and turmoil? I have a feeling we'll be challenged, in a good way, as we study his life!

Daniel will also challenge us to grow in our understanding of what the future holds. We'll study the various visions described in this book and marvel at the sovereignty of God over history.... past, present, and future!

I look forward to our spring study...and hope you'll join us!
Nell Anne

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