Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Announcement: Upcoming Potluck

1st Potluck Wed!!

After the lesson next week (2/25), we'll have our 1st potluck lunch for our Daniel study. Our menu is soup/salad/bread/dessert. So, pick one of those and bring a dish to share.

The babysitters usually stay until about 1:00. So, plan on hanging around and enjoying some fellowship and yummy food after the study. Remember to bring something to drink....and a lunch for your preschooler.


  1. Ok. This site is so cool. Thank you Susan for being so brillant.


  2. Thanks Jeanne. If you knew how easy it was to set up, you'd rethink the compliment. ;-) But, I am so happy you like it and so excited to see how it blesses our study this Spring. If anyone has suggestions for blog improvement, please let me know!
