Friday, February 27, 2009

Homework: Week Two

Did the Week One overview of Daniel chapters 1-6 excite you about what's to come in our study this Spring? Now, let's continue with an overview of Chapters 7-12 in Week Two. Remember, keep it BIG PICTURE.

If you have questions or comments as you work through the lessons, please write them in the comments of this post. Check back throughout the week to read the responses to your comment/ question and to respond to the comments/questions of others.

If you'd like to be notified when someone makes a new comment in the Homework section of the blog, please click on "Subscribe by e-mail" at the bottom right of the Comments page.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Announcement: Upcoming Potluck

1st Potluck Wed!!

After the lesson next week (2/25), we'll have our 1st potluck lunch for our Daniel study. Our menu is soup/salad/bread/dessert. So, pick one of those and bring a dish to share.

The babysitters usually stay until about 1:00. So, plan on hanging around and enjoying some fellowship and yummy food after the study. Remember to bring something to drink....and a lunch for your preschooler.

Homework: Week One

How exciting to get started with Daniel! Have fun with your Week One homework, and remember to keep it BIG PICTURE. If you have questions or comments as you work through the lessons, please write them in the comments of this post. Also, check back throughout the week so that you can read the responses to your comment/question and can respond to the comments/questions of others.


When breaking news hits, you'll find it here! Please check the announcements often to read about any updates that you need to know. (A simple way to do this is to click on "Announcements" in the Subject Index on the right side of the blog.) From potluck dates to schedule changes, this is where you'll find out what's happening.

Study Tip: Week One

Our 1st lesson is an overview of chapters 1-6 in Daniel. Next week we’ll overview chapters 7-12. An overview involves looking at the book as a whole. It’s meant to be a ‘big picture’ approach. We’ll study the details of each chapter later. We’re just trying to get a feel for the flow of the whole book these 1st 2 weeks. If you begin to feel a bit overwhelmed as you read through Daniel, just keep telling yourself that we'll sort out the details later! It'll be fun...I promise!

On Day 1 in this week's homework, assignment #2 (p. 2) tells us to look for key words in each chapter. Key words are words that are repeated and are essential to the meaning of the passage. They help us tune into the author's main message in that chapter. Significant people are always key words. In these 1st 6 chapters, I would suggest you just look for the main people in each chapter. For example, in the first chapter, the following people are key players: Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel’s 3 friends, Ashpenaz, and the overseer. Just remember: Keep it simple these 1st 2 weeks!

If you have questions while you're working on the lesson, want to comment on something in the homework, or are wondering how others answered particular questions, feel free to post your comments or questions. It will be fun to have some online discussions during the week!

Prayer Requests: February

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillippians 4:6

It is a priviledge for us to pray for one another. If you have a prayer need, please share it in the comment section of this post. Also, please check these comments often so you can join in prayer for the needs of our group members. Thank you.


Welcome to the Wednesday morning Bible study blog! This blog is something new for our study group and we're excited about it!! We're hoping it'll be a great way for us to communicate with one another.

For those of you who might be new to the Wed morning study, let me tell you a little bit about our group. Our primary vision is Bible study. We usually study a book of the Bible using an inductive method. Simply put, 'inductive' means we use the Bible as our primary source.

This spring we'll be doing a Precept Upon Precept study of Daniel, chapters 1-6. Precept Ministries has divided Daniel into 2 separate studies. Our plan is to study Part 1 this spring and Part 2 in the fall.

Daniel is an amazing example of how to live a godly life in the midst of an ungodly society. He walked with great integrity and won the respect of every king under whom he served. How did he do that? What was his understanding of God that held him steady in times of great stress and turmoil? I have a feeling we'll be challenged, in a good way, as we study his life!

Daniel will also challenge us to grow in our understanding of what the future holds. We'll study the various visions described in this book and marvel at the sovereignty of God over history.... past, present, and future!

I look forward to our spring study...and hope you'll join us!
Nell Anne