Monday, November 2, 2009

Prayer Requests - November

Friends, if you have a need that we can pray for, then please share it in the "Comments" section of this post. Please check the post throughout the month to know how you can pray for the members of our Bible study. Thank you!


  1. Ladies, would you please pray for my upcoming mission trip to Haiti with One Vision International? We'll be flying out of Knoxville at 5:30 a.m. this Friday; returning on Tuesday evening. Please pray for our physical and spiritual safety while we are in Haiti, for the children and women we will be ministering to, and for the well-being of our families while we are away. Thank you so much! ~ Susan

  2. I am happy to announce that my father-in-law, Jerry did not need the by-pass surgery. He had a stint put in and is recovering nicely. Thank you for all of your prayers!!

  3. I have a need for prayer. Returning from my sister's house in VA over Thanksgiving, we were pulled over by a trooper for "not getting into the left lane when passing an emergency vehicle on the side of the road". We had come up on the trooper suddenly when another vehicle pulled over and we saw him. Normally we would pull over as a courtesy (we didnt know it was the LAW) but in holiday traffic we didn't have time to make that decision and passed slowly and carefully with in the speed limit. In VA (unlike TN) you cannot prepay this and have to go to court and pay $2500.00 yes folks I said $2500.00. Needless to say, please pray for Paul and I as we try to defend ourselves from an unjust summons in Marion VA on Dec. 17th at 9 AM. Pray for the judge hearing the case, the trooper, us as we explain, and please pray for that exorbitant fine to be removed or greatly, greatly reduced! We did not hire an attorney because that alone costs $1000 so we are defending ourselves. Thanks - Drema Stone
