Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lesson 8

Please mark your calendars: We will meet next Wed, Nov 18...but we will not meet Nov 25, the Wed before Thanksgiving. When we come back after Thanksgiving, we will have 2 lessons left and will finish the study Dec 9.

For the 1st 4 days this week, we'll be focusing on chapter 11. It's a long and rather complicated chapter...and a long lesson! Day 5 in our homework instructs us to observe chapter 12. If you have time this week to observe chapter 12....great! But, if you find that the 1st 4 days of the lesson take a long time, then I would suggest you wait and observe chapter 12 during the week of Thanksgiving. After all, we'll have 2 weeks to finish lesson 9, so it might be helpful to save Day 5 of this lesson for the break. If you decide to do this, be sure to make a note in your workbook to remind yourself to observe chapter 12! It'd be easy to forget! We will discuss chapter 11 in class next week.


  1. How are you doing with Dan 11? Remember...we've studied some of these same things in earlier chapters. Chapter 11 is providing more details about the Greek Empire and what happened after Alexander the Great died. When Alexander died, his empire went through a power struggle and was eventually divided among 4 generals. Chapter 11 focuses on 2 of those generals and their the Kings of the North and South.

    If you have time this week, check out what Wikipedia has to say about Antiochus IV Epiphanes, one of the kings of the North. Here's the website:
    Compare this information with Dan 11:21-35. Think this could be the 'despicable person'?

    Here's another question to be chewing on: Is the 'despicable person', v21, the same as the 'King' mentioned in vv 36-45? Why or why not? Use the verses in Dan 11 to reason through your answer.

  2. all I know is that it took me forever to figure out the pronouns for the kings! With all the "he"s it got quite confusing. cool to see the accuracy of God.
