Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lesson 7: Homework

This week we're working on lesson 7. Because of the content in Daniel 10, the lesson this week focuses on some information in the Bible about angels, Satan, demons, and the role of prayer. The lesson is not meant to be an exhaustive study of these topics by any means. But, hopefully we will gain new insights into the spiritual world that will strenghthen our prayer lives. The lesson has many cross references. So, pace yourself through will take some time! It'll be interesting next week to discuss what we've read.

For the past few weeks I've been thinking and praying about what study our group will tackle after Christmas. I am very interested in your thoughts about our next study. Let me give you a few ideas to consider:

Several of you have suggested this would be a good time to study Revelation. Precept Ministries has divided Revelation into 4 separate studies. Each of those studies takes about 10-12 weeks to complete. So, if we choose to study Revelation, it will be a rather long commitment. After completing Daniel, it would be interesting to tackle Revelation, tho, wouldn't it?

I've also been considering Ephesians, followed by a short study of Ruth. Ephesians is packed with wonderful doctrinal truths as well as very practical instructions for how to live a godly life. It'd be rather different from our study this fall and I thought it might provide a good change of pace, so to speak. The study of Ruth is 3 weeks long and is a beautiful study of Jesus as our Kinsman Redeemer. We could do both of these studies next semester.

I'd love to hear from you about what you'd be interested in studying after Christmas. You may have other books you'd like us to consider besides Revelation or Ephesians. If so, please feel free to make suggestions! Just post a comment on the bottom of this entry and share your thoughts.

I'd love to know that you are praying with me about our next study! It's always good to see where He leads us!


  1. The revelation one would be interesting but it seems too long. I like the idea of Ephesians and Ruth. Have you ever considered a Beth Moore study?

  2. Early in our Daniel study I would have voted for Revelation, hands down. However, at this point, I think my head would explode. Maybe next fall, though? Ephesians and Ruth sounds great.

  3. My vote is for Ephesians and Ruth, but I am fine with whatever God has in store for us in the spring!! Either way, I know it will be great (as usual) :-)

  4. I agree with Ellen. It would be great to dive into Ephesians or Ruth. I also love the book of John.. the one in whom Jesus loved. I will be thrilled with whever Jesus leads. Thanks for being such a awsome leader.

  5. I tried to post a comment, however having trouble? Anyway, I agree with Ellen. I would be thrilled to study whever the Lord leads.Thanks for being such an awsome leader.
    God Bless you,

  6. My vote is still for Revelation. We've never been afraid of a long study before, right? And this just seems like the natural progression, while it's still relatively fresh on our minds. Of course, I wanna go wherever God leads, but that is my vote. We've been wanting to do Daniel and Revelation for years now, it just makes sense to me to keep going, and keep learning about the end times. What an incredibly fascinating learning experience this has been!! I know I could not do this by myself. And wouldn't it be great as individuals to not be freaked out by Revelation, but to understand it. I'm ready! Bring it!

  7. My vote is Ephesians and Ruth, but will come to whatever is decided. Not sure what they would entail but Daniel has been a lot to take in with end times, then to do the full end times so soon would be a little much for me.

  8. I am with Heather. My official vote is for Revelations! I agree that it is the next logical step as it is fresh on our minds. I know it sounds daunting to think about it being such a long study and that the material will be heavy, but how exciting! I remember thinking when we started Daniel what I would ever get out of it, but boy was I wrong. I have learned so much about our God! The challenge of Revelations makes me giddy about what we could learn there too. For those of you who were here for Romans... it was a 4 part study as well with LOTS of heavy stuff & look how we benifited with that and the treasures we found!
    I say lets do it! Even though it will be hard and take us a while I think it will be very well worth it. I have loved being challenged in Daniel and I would love to venture into the unknown of Revelations and ALL its challenges!!!
    Again, I'm with Heather... Bring it!
