Monday, October 5, 2009

Prayer Requests: October

We have the joy of praying for one another. If you have a prayer need, please share it in the "Comments" section of this post. Please check the comments often to see how you can pray for the members of our Bible study group. Thanks!


  1. My name is cheri for those of you who don't know me. I am 39 weeks pregnant and due next Wednesday, October 14th.
    I went into early labor last night with some contractions and stayed at the hospital overnight to be monitered. But I ended up coming home after it slowed down to the point where it basically stopped. I am 5 cm and 50% effaced, at a -2 station so there is progress...but just slow.

    Pray that I would be patient. I am trying my hardest not to be induced simply because I want to experience something different than my other two deliveries.
    But also pray that baby will come soon! :)

  2. I've been praying for you Cheri! The last part of pregnancy is no fun at all. I remember it all too clearly! Keep us updated on how things are going. I want to bring you food when you have him! :-)
