Thursday, October 15, 2009


Next Wed is potluck day! We decided to have soup, salad, bread, and dessert. So, pick one of those categories and bring a dish to share. If you have little ones in the nursery, remember to pack a lunch for them.


  1. I just wanted to make the announcement that Structural Analysis makes my brain sweat! However, it did make the text a little but easier to understand. Once again I wish I had paid attention in 7th grade English class! How did everyone else do?

  2. I took a structuring class a long time ago at Precept. It was AWESOME!!! Yes, it definitely made my brain sweat, but it was so incredibly cool after I started getting the hang of it, that I went completely crazy with it! I structured everything I saw for a while! :-) The cool thing about it though is that after you get used to it, it kind of changes how you read things and your brain gets a lot better at organizing information automaticaly as you read. It's by far the best Bible study tool I've ever learned. Ok, infomercial over! :-)

  3. One more thing. For the record, I love structuring because I've taken a class to learn how. But to figure it all out just based on the directions in the workbook would be really hard! If you did it just based on those instructions, you should totally get extra credit in class! 5 bonus points on the final exam! HA! :-)
