Monday, September 14, 2009


Welcome to the Fall Precept study: Daniel, Part 2. We're so happy to welcome all of those ladies new to the Wednesday morning Bible study and to welcome back all of those who are returning.

This blog is a tool that we use to keep Bible study participants informed and to communicate with one another. Please take a look through past posts and the "Subject Index" found on the right-hand side. You'll see that on the blog you'll find:
  • Important announcements, including schedule changes and potluck dates.
  • Prayer requests
  • Bible study tips
  • Homework observations from Nell Anne
  • Links to helpful resources
To become a follower of Providence Precepts, all you need is a Google account. Go to the bottom of the right-hand side, and you will see a "Follow" link. Next, under each particular heading (i.e. "Announcements," "Prayer Requests," etc.) in the bottom left corner, you can "subscribe." You will then be notified when a new post is added.

We hope this blog will be an asset to our study this Fall and to our sense of connection within the group. Please feel free to make comments on it and respond to one another. Enjoy!

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