Friday, September 25, 2009

Homework: Lesson 1, Part 2

This week we are working on the 2nd part of the 1st lesson. This past Wednesday we reviewed the history of the Middle East as it relates to Daniel, and we did an overview of Daniel so we could see how the book is put together. This week we are diving into chapter 7. (For those of you who missed class, start working on assignment #2, page 5 in your workbook. This lesson ends on page 10.)

If you are new to our study, there is a copy of the entire book of Daniel in the appendix of your workbook. Each chapter is double spaced and has wide margins, so you can write all over it!

Our first assignment is to "observe Daniel 7" (page 5, #2a). The workbook instructs us to mark key words as we read Daniel 7. You'll need colored pens or pencils to do this, and you get to choose how you mark each word. Try to keep your markings simple - that helps! For example, you might just draw a blue box around Daniel. Remember to also mark any pronoun or synonyms for the words you're marking. This will take some time, so pace yourself. As you mark each word, think about what you're learning about that word.

After you mark the key words they give in the workbook, you will also want to mark all the time phrases you find. Time phrases help us keep the sequence of events straight, so they're helpful when we're observing a chapter, especially in these chapters. Again, keep it simple! I usually underline a time phrase with a black pen and draw a small clock in the left margin next to the verse (okay, so sometimes I don't draw a clock next to every single time phrase I underline...just the biggies).

There are a lot of time phrases in chapter 7. For example: verse 1 begins with the phrase "In the year of Belshazzar king of Babylon." That's a biggie, so we need to note it. Here are examples of a few other time phrases that aren't so big but are helpful to notice: v2: by night, v6: after this, v7: after this, v 8: while. This is just to get you started - there are a lot more of them in the chapter!

After you mark the key words and time phrases, it will be helpful to notice when Daniel is describing his dream and when he is given the interpretation of his dream. Next to verse 2 I wrote Dream in the left margin. When you find the verse that begins the interpretation, you could write Interpretation next to it. This will help you see the flow of the chapter.

After you've spent time observing chapter 7, there's a wonderful assignment at the top of page 6. There are pages in the appendix where you can record what you learn about God and about Daniel in each chapter. This is where things can become personal for each of us. We want to make sure we aren't just going for 'head knowledge' as we study Daniel but also let it sink into our hearts. Take time to think about what you're learning about your God in chapter 7 this week. How does all this apply to how you think about God? As you watch Daniel in each chapter, what can you learn from this godly man? How does he respond to this dream?

I encourage you to spend some time in prayer and then write down your thoughts. This can become a journal of sorts as you go thru Daniel. Won't it be interesting to reread it when we finish our study in December?

The main point of everything we're doing is to closely observe the text of each chapter...this week, chapter 7. It's important to slow ourselves down and really look objectively at what the text says. This way of studying is all about the process. No one is gonna grade your homework! The goal is to know God more intimately.

I hope this helps a bit! If you've never done a Precept study before, it can seem rather overwhelming at first. If you're feeling that way right about now, you're not me! But, if you stick with it and give it a try, I think you'll find that this way of studying God's Word is truly a blessing. Remember to give yourselve time and lots of grace along the way!

Do you have questions about your homework for week two? About marking Key Words or Time Phrases? If so, please post them in the "comments" section of this post.

Announcement: September Potluck

Next Wednesday (September 30) is our monthly potluck. We will have lunch at 11:30, after our lesson. Don't forget - If you have a little one in the nursery, be sure to pack a lunch for him/her. We decided this would be a 'true' potluck, so bring whatever dish you'd like to share. Also, keep in mind that we don't serve drinks, so bring something to drink.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Resource Recommendations

This morning we discussed how there are many great resources available on-line for our Bible study. If you find a Web site that is particularly helpful, why don't you share it with others? Let us know what you like about it and include its address in the "comments" section of this post.

Also, scroll down and you'll find a list of helpful Web resources on the right-hand side of the blog, including the site Nell Anne referred to this morning: Check it out!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Welcome to the Fall Precept study: Daniel, Part 2. We're so happy to welcome all of those ladies new to the Wednesday morning Bible study and to welcome back all of those who are returning.

This blog is a tool that we use to keep Bible study participants informed and to communicate with one another. Please take a look through past posts and the "Subject Index" found on the right-hand side. You'll see that on the blog you'll find:
  • Important announcements, including schedule changes and potluck dates.
  • Prayer requests
  • Bible study tips
  • Homework observations from Nell Anne
  • Links to helpful resources
To become a follower of Providence Precepts, all you need is a Google account. Go to the bottom of the right-hand side, and you will see a "Follow" link. Next, under each particular heading (i.e. "Announcements," "Prayer Requests," etc.) in the bottom left corner, you can "subscribe." You will then be notified when a new post is added.

We hope this blog will be an asset to our study this Fall and to our sense of connection within the group. Please feel free to make comments on it and respond to one another. Enjoy!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Prayer Requests: September

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillipians 4:6

We have the joy of praying for one another and knowing that we can share our needs and concerns with the group. If you would like to share a prayer request, then please write it in the comments section of this post.

Please check this post often to see how you can lift up members of our Bible study in prayer. Thank you!