Sunday, March 8, 2009

Prayer Requests: March

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillippians 4:6

It is a priviledge for us to pray for one another. If you have a prayer need, please share it in the comment section of this post. Also, please check these comments often so you can join in prayer for the needs of our group members. Thank you.


  1. My prayer request is for my beautiful Nikki . As most of you know she is pregnant with a due date June 8th. As the time for Prince Matthew's grand appearance approaches she is very uneasy and not to mention scared to death. Pray with me please that she finds peace to calm her soul and the wisdom to know that God is in control. Let the light of God shine through this preicous angel.

  2. Tim is flying to Denver tomorrow and then back home on Sunday night (he's also driving to and from Atlanta' airport). Please pray for safe travels for him and for the boys and me as we are without him. Thank you!

  3. Hello all...I just wanted to let everyone know that I am doing better with the nausea. It still hasn't completely subsided, but I am on a prescription anti-nausea medicine called Zofran and it has been a life saver.
    I'm almost 10 weeks and looking forward to the 12 week mark with increasing anticipation...when hopefully all of this will go away!

  4. I'm so glad things are better, Cheri! We'll keep praying that the nausea will go away completely very soon.

  5. Ladies ...I am asking for prayer for a long time family friend's son. Mark who is 21 studing abroad in Spain his senior year of college when he began to have severe back pain 1 week ago. After a trip to a local ER the doctor's found a tumor on his spine. Of course his parents flew him back home to their family doctor for further tests.The doctor discovered even more bad news. Not only does Mark have a tumor on his spine but also on his liver,lung and a fist size one on his heart. They are a Jewish Family and not followers of Christ.( still waiting for the 1st coming) Altough I have not spoken to them I asked my brother David to pass on my prayers. My brother an unbeliever himself promised he would. Oh! how the Lord works in crazy ways. What a great chance for God's love to shine for all those invovled....

  6. My prayer request is for my brother's family. My brother is in from Iraq for leave. There is too much detail to explain but his ex-wife is trying to prevent him and us from seeing his daughter Sara. She is 9 yrs old. His son lives with my parents so he has gotten to enjoy time with Steven. Please pray that his ex-wife Tracey will let Sara see her family. Also please pray for Sara's physical and emotional well-being because of the situation she is living in. God has been very clear He wants me to pray for Tracey so if you could join me I need your support as well.
    Thank you!

  7. My husband and I are leaving for a week in New Orleans tomorrow to celebrte 25 years of married. Please pray we have a safe trip. Also please pray my girls to get along and not kill each other in my absence.
    Thank you
