Monday, March 16, 2009

Homework: Week 4

I hope everyone is enjoying spring break this week! I'll miss seeing all of you on Wed morning, so I thought it might be fun to 'talk' to one another via the blog this week.

To get things started, here are a few questions for you to think about and post your thoughts:

  • Did anything in particular stand out to you...about Daniel or chapter 2?
  • Do you see any relevance to your life in this chapter?
  • Are you finding the dream overwhelming and confusing...or is it really interesting to you?

Let's talk! What are you thinking this week?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Just a reminder that we will NOT meet on Wednesday, March 18, due to Knox County spring break. We will pick back up with Lesson Four on Wednesday, March 25. This is also the date of our next potluck. Please bring your favorite Mexican dish or a dessert to share. See you in two weeks!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Prayer Requests: March

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillippians 4:6

It is a priviledge for us to pray for one another. If you have a prayer need, please share it in the comment section of this post. Also, please check these comments often so you can join in prayer for the needs of our group members. Thank you.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Friends, if you would like to send Sandy a note or a card as she is recovering from her knee replacement surgery, here is her mailing address: Sandy Bryant, 118 Arkansas Avenue, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.

Homework: Week Three

We survived the overview of chapters 7-12 of Daniel, and it certainly whet our appetite for a deeper understanding of what we're reading. This week we will dig in and chapter by chapter gain that understanding through observation and study. We start with Chapter 1 (obviously). If you have questions as you work through your homework, please post them here. Chances are if you are wondering about something, others are too! Good luck, dive in, and have fun!

Monday, March 2, 2009


For those of you who would like to learn how to do chapter studies, bring a lunch on Wed (March 4) and plan on hanging out for an hour or so after class. We'll enjoy lunch while we discuss some study skills that will help you do your homework for the rest of the study.
(Please note: There won't be any childcare provided.)

Study Tip: Week Two

On day 5 of this week's lesson, assignment #2 tells us to find 'segment divisions' in Daniel and to record them on the 'Daniel At A Glance' chart. It tells you to consult Kay Arthur's book How To Study Your Bible (the book I told you not to buy!). Well, here's my suggestion: don't worry about doing this assignment, we'll do it together in class.

But, if you just can't stand it and feel compelled to give it a try, here's a (somewhat) simple explanation of a segment division:

After you overview a book, try looking for major divisions (segments) in a book. For example, in Daniel chapters 1-6 are chronological. They cover a large span of time. Chapter 7-12 are also chronological but they occur within the time frame of chapters 1-6. So, there is a division or 'segment' between 1-6 and 7-12 in regards to the timing layout of the book. It's very helpful to realize this when you're studying Daniel.

Let me give you some examples of segment divisions in other books. In many of Paul's letters, the 1st chapters are usually very doctrinal....and the last chapters are very practical applications. Chapters 1-11 in Romans are doctrinal, chapters 12-16 are concerned with practical application. Chapters 1-2 in Colossians are doctrinal, chapters 3-4 are very practical.

In some Old Testament history books, you can see segment divisions in the reigns of various kings....or the stories of particular people. Sometimes a book moves from 1 event to the next you can segment the book according to the events.

In John, we saw a segment division between chapters 1-11 and 12-21. The 1st 11 chapters covered 3 years of Jesus' earthly ministry. Chapters 12-21 covered the last week of His ministry.

I like to think of segment divisions as ways to outline a book. In Daniel we see various people having dreams or visions in chapters 1-6 and Daniel interprets them. In chapters 7-12, who is having the dreams and who is interpreting them?

In Daniel we see various kingdoms and kings. Various chapters occur during the rule of a specific king or kingdom. So, you could list the chapters according to the kingdom that was ruling during that chapter.

As you can see, there can be more than 1 way to divide or outline a other words, more than 1 kind of segment division. In Romans, you can segment the book according to doctrine and practical application. You can also segment it into 5 divisions: sin (chapters 1-3:21), salvation (chapters 3:22-5), sanctification (chapters 6-8), sovereignty (chapters 9-11), and service (chapters 12-16). Remember our Romans' aerobics...those of you who studied Romans with us? Of course you do....whoo hoo!! We were just dividing Romans into segments.

Ok, I told you it'd be a 'relatively' simple explanation! So....if you're totally bogged down right now, skip #2 on Day 5....and remember that your salvation does not depend upon finding segment divisions in Daniel!!! Or, give it a try and see what you come up with. Call a friend in the study and brainstorm together a bit. You might have some fun with it! Besides, if you look back over this explanation, you'll find several ways to segment Daniel. But hey, you might just think of a few more!